Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Growing Up †Lord of the Flies Essay

Growing up is a time of great change. Challenges and difficulties arise for individuals which changes them. This statement has been explored on many levels and can be related to many forms of writing and film. In the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding, the characters are exposed to intense hardship and difficulties. The pressure of being stranded on a deserted island with no means of getting off conflicts with the boys’ knowledge of moral conduct and leadership. Ralph who is a prime example of the vulnerability of children to lurking dangers displays a good sense of leadership and civilized intelligence. He puts his knowledge and skills into practice in all the scenarios he faces. Jack, another character in â€Å"Lord of the Flies† depicts the story of a greedy boy lusting for more and more power. His inhumane behaviour lands everyone in a place where a wrong move can mean the difference between life and death. The film â€Å"Whale Rider† directed by Niki Caro tells the anecdote about a girl named Paikea, after a great legend known to the Maori people. This movie relays the complications of a young girl who tries to be accepted by her grandfather, Koro. Koro, a former leader of the people searches to find the new leader to carryout the duties and traditions he passes on. This person has to be of a strong, dominant, first-born male genre. Ralph is an important individual to the story. He plays the role of a smart, well-adjusted, strategic, natural leader. Through the expedition he faces a journey of self-discovery. Ralph’s relationship with the other boys started off well as he was voted chief. â€Å"Lets have a vote†. Ralph later experienced greater difficulties as the group began to break away because they had other priorities. â€Å"I was talking about smoke! Don’t you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!† Soon the group was down to two: Piggy (a great thinker) and Ralph, however the group became even smaller following the killing of Piggy. This act shows how the absence of law and ethics alters the ways in which a person at a critical age of adolescence behaves and thinks. The fact that there is no adult supervision gives the boys’ the message of no limits in what they do. As the saying goes â€Å"if you cant beat them, join them† this is what happened with the group. Finding that survival in Ralph’s group was much more tougher than that of Jack’s group they decided to join him, leaving Ralph to fend on his own. Jack is a character of high power and control. This helps to understand knowing that he was in charge of the choir/ hunters. â€Å"I ought to be chief,† said Jack with simple arrogance, â€Å"because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.† As an adolescent Jack has already developed an excessive sense of authority. His position in this story can be related to government and politics. He demonstrates the wanting for being on top and draws in people to taking his side and turning them against his competitors. This is a sign of both maturity and childs play. The way in which he uses his power is against the principles of society. The stress of being on a deserted island â€Å"messes† with Jack’s line of thoughts and therefore affects his decision-making. Paikea is a strong-willed, spiritual, self-conscious girl. She illustrates how her determination and belief helped in resolving her crisis. At birth Paikea’s mother and twin brother passed away. She grew up with her grandparents whilst her father travelled the world. As her grandfather searched for the next leader of the Maori people, Paikea secretly learns the teaching of her grandfather to the boys in which he trains to become the next chief. As females were not allowed to participate in such rituals she finds herself in a situation where she feels her grandfather doesn’t want her, â€Å"Why doesn’t he want me?† By sticking by her grandfather after all he put her through, Paikea shows how her love towards Koro remained strong throughout. As an adolescent she becomes aware of her legacy and her role in the tribe. Koro is a man of great strength, power, ability and faith, â€Å"when you extend your tongue you are saying to your enemy I am going to eat you.† In the film Koro goes in search for a new leader of the Maori people however does not realise that the answer to his problems is right in front of his face. He suggests that Paikea is an omen â€Å"When she was born that’s when things started going wrong for us.† After a series of events involving a pod of whales being beached, Koro comes to realise that Paikea was the next whale rider and he accepts her for who she is. As a leader, Koro did not realise the support that Paikea needed during her time of adolescence, as he wasn’t just a leader to her but also her grandfather. Through close observation of the characters and how they were portrayed in each story it is easy to assume that adolescence is a time of great change, not just physically but also mentally and socially. As seen with Ralph and Jack, there are many differentials as well as similarities between each other because everybody has their own techniques in handling situations and the way they react to such complications like being stranded on a deserted island. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, William Golding presents his characters as flies, the lord symbolises the leader and as adolescents the children have a position in their life whether they want to lead or follow. Ralph shows a determination for maintaining civilization on the island he exhibits a good sense of maturity, unlike Jack who displays himself as someone who just wants to be head of the pack for the sake of being the superior one. In â€Å"Whale Rider†, Paikea reveals a spiritual side of her; she is seen as mystical and unpredictable. During her time as an adolescent she faces a world of exploration, knowledge and realisation.

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