Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Growing Up †Lord of the Flies Essay

Growing up is a time of great change. Challenges and difficulties arise for individuals which changes them. This statement has been explored on many levels and can be related to many forms of writing and film. In the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding, the characters are exposed to intense hardship and difficulties. The pressure of being stranded on a deserted island with no means of getting off conflicts with the boys’ knowledge of moral conduct and leadership. Ralph who is a prime example of the vulnerability of children to lurking dangers displays a good sense of leadership and civilized intelligence. He puts his knowledge and skills into practice in all the scenarios he faces. Jack, another character in â€Å"Lord of the Flies† depicts the story of a greedy boy lusting for more and more power. His inhumane behaviour lands everyone in a place where a wrong move can mean the difference between life and death. The film â€Å"Whale Rider† directed by Niki Caro tells the anecdote about a girl named Paikea, after a great legend known to the Maori people. This movie relays the complications of a young girl who tries to be accepted by her grandfather, Koro. Koro, a former leader of the people searches to find the new leader to carryout the duties and traditions he passes on. This person has to be of a strong, dominant, first-born male genre. Ralph is an important individual to the story. He plays the role of a smart, well-adjusted, strategic, natural leader. Through the expedition he faces a journey of self-discovery. Ralph’s relationship with the other boys started off well as he was voted chief. â€Å"Lets have a vote†. Ralph later experienced greater difficulties as the group began to break away because they had other priorities. â€Å"I was talking about smoke! Don’t you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!† Soon the group was down to two: Piggy (a great thinker) and Ralph, however the group became even smaller following the killing of Piggy. This act shows how the absence of law and ethics alters the ways in which a person at a critical age of adolescence behaves and thinks. The fact that there is no adult supervision gives the boys’ the message of no limits in what they do. As the saying goes â€Å"if you cant beat them, join them† this is what happened with the group. Finding that survival in Ralph’s group was much more tougher than that of Jack’s group they decided to join him, leaving Ralph to fend on his own. Jack is a character of high power and control. This helps to understand knowing that he was in charge of the choir/ hunters. â€Å"I ought to be chief,† said Jack with simple arrogance, â€Å"because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.† As an adolescent Jack has already developed an excessive sense of authority. His position in this story can be related to government and politics. He demonstrates the wanting for being on top and draws in people to taking his side and turning them against his competitors. This is a sign of both maturity and childs play. The way in which he uses his power is against the principles of society. The stress of being on a deserted island â€Å"messes† with Jack’s line of thoughts and therefore affects his decision-making. Paikea is a strong-willed, spiritual, self-conscious girl. She illustrates how her determination and belief helped in resolving her crisis. At birth Paikea’s mother and twin brother passed away. She grew up with her grandparents whilst her father travelled the world. As her grandfather searched for the next leader of the Maori people, Paikea secretly learns the teaching of her grandfather to the boys in which he trains to become the next chief. As females were not allowed to participate in such rituals she finds herself in a situation where she feels her grandfather doesn’t want her, â€Å"Why doesn’t he want me?† By sticking by her grandfather after all he put her through, Paikea shows how her love towards Koro remained strong throughout. As an adolescent she becomes aware of her legacy and her role in the tribe. Koro is a man of great strength, power, ability and faith, â€Å"when you extend your tongue you are saying to your enemy I am going to eat you.† In the film Koro goes in search for a new leader of the Maori people however does not realise that the answer to his problems is right in front of his face. He suggests that Paikea is an omen â€Å"When she was born that’s when things started going wrong for us.† After a series of events involving a pod of whales being beached, Koro comes to realise that Paikea was the next whale rider and he accepts her for who she is. As a leader, Koro did not realise the support that Paikea needed during her time of adolescence, as he wasn’t just a leader to her but also her grandfather. Through close observation of the characters and how they were portrayed in each story it is easy to assume that adolescence is a time of great change, not just physically but also mentally and socially. As seen with Ralph and Jack, there are many differentials as well as similarities between each other because everybody has their own techniques in handling situations and the way they react to such complications like being stranded on a deserted island. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, William Golding presents his characters as flies, the lord symbolises the leader and as adolescents the children have a position in their life whether they want to lead or follow. Ralph shows a determination for maintaining civilization on the island he exhibits a good sense of maturity, unlike Jack who displays himself as someone who just wants to be head of the pack for the sake of being the superior one. In â€Å"Whale Rider†, Paikea reveals a spiritual side of her; she is seen as mystical and unpredictable. During her time as an adolescent she faces a world of exploration, knowledge and realisation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Biological Theory of Aging

Biological Theory of Aging Tick tock, tick tock, what's that sound? According to this theory, it's your biological clock, ticking away at a predetermined rate. This theory says that DNA, the cells' genetic material, holds the key to your planned demise from day one. While this aging theory appears fatalistic on the surface, remember that biology is not destiny. You can't change your genes, but you can slow the march of time with better eating habits and regular exercise. Your body produces hormones that help regulate myriad functions, including growth and behavior, reproduction, and immune function.In your youth, hormone production is high, but as you get older, hormone levels drop off, causing declines in the body's ability to repair itself and to keep functioning in top form. Working cells produce waste. Over time, cells make more waste than they can possibly get rid of, which may wreak havoc on their ability to function and slowly lead to their death . Lipofuscion, or age pigment, is one of the waste products found primarily in some nerve and heart-muscle cells. Lipofuscin binds fat and proteins together in the cells.It accumulates over time and may interfere with cell function. The protein collagen is at the heart of this theory. Collagen, akin to the body's glue, is one of the most common proteins making up the skin, bones, ligaments, and tendons. When we're young, collagen is pliable. But with age, collagen becomes more rigid, and it shrinks. That's why your skin is less elastic than before (Alston, 2008). Aesthetics aside, cross-linking may block the transport of nutrients into cells as well as obstruct waste-product removal.Free radicals are destructive marauders roving your body, ready to pounce on healthy cells. They are produced as part of the millions of chemical reactions your body performs to sustain life (Ward, 2012). Your body also makes them in response to environmental toxins such as excessive amounts of unprotected sunlight and smoking. Free radicals oxidize your cells (think rusting metal). As unbalanced, volatile oxygen molecules, they sacrifice healthy cells to make themselves more stable. Free radicals destroy or alter DNA, the cell's genetic blueprint, and disrupt many other cell functions.Free radicals may kill cells as a result of their marauding, or they may give rise to mutant cells that can lead to chronic conditions including cancer and heart disease. Fortunately, the body maintains a sophisticated defense system against free radicals. Unfortunately, our defenses wane with time, and cell damage ensues (Ward, 2012). This theory could also be called The Use It and Lose It Theory. The idea is that use, and overuse, of your organs pushes them to the brink of destruction.A poor diet, too much alcohol and cigarette smoking are thought to accelerate natural wear and tear. With age, the body is less able to repair itself. How does wear and tear occur? Free radicals, which inflict cellular damage, may be culpable. Sim ilar to the wear and tear idea, this theory says you are born with a certain amount of energy. If you live â€Å"fast,† you die young, because you use up your energy reserves sooner. â€Å"Laid-back people,† who suffer from less stress and take life easier, would live longer should this theory prove correct (Ward 2012).A strong immune system is your body's most important defense against germs and toxins. White cells engulf and destroy potential pests such as bacteria and viruses. And they manufacture antibodies, the â€Å"soldiers† that patrol the bloodstream, attacking and disarming any substance they don't recognize as the body's own. Problem is, the immune system becomes less efficient with time, and fewer antibodies are produced, increasing your infection risk. What's more, the body may turn on itself by producing antibodies that destroy its own tissue.When that happens, autoimmune disease, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, is the result (Alston, 2008) . Although we still do not completely understand the process of aging, we do know quite a lot about it. Sometimes it may be time for the clock to just get new batteries or perhaps the clock has stood the test time and became an antique. Bibliography Alston, Maude H. Basic Gerontology. Windows CD Version 3. 0 2008 Ward ,Liz. Discovery Fit and Health. What is Causing Aging? Discovery Communications. 2012.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Use of Deadly Force Criminal Justice Research Paper

Use of Deadly Force Criminal Justice - Research Paper Example NMSP shooting case, it presents unethical police operation that leads to firing a minivan with five kids when Ferrell, the driver failed to follow orders. Whichever the case, this paper uses these incidences to manifest of total disregard of Federal Standards in using excessive force. It is recommended that the police use safer arrest strategies that include loudspeaker notification to surrender and vibrant intelligence information sharing. Besides, the use of temporary visual-impairing strategies when making an entry into a private property suspected to harbor criminals, or narcotic suspects should be put into the police to lower misuse of deadly force. According to U.S Armed Forces, deadly force refers to legal body harm against a suspect or convict that a law enforcer is allowed to use in extreme condition (Halpern & Snider 2012). The enforcement of this disciplinary principle, occasionally, causes bodily harm or even death. Notably, the law provides its users as a means of last resort. In addition, use of deadly force should be intelligently applied to avoid legal suits and potential penalties. The law provides for its use when a person question is a considerable threat to those around. In the wake of increasing in civil rights activism, the deadly force application has continually brought into sharp focus. For instance, Calvo, predicament and the New Mexico Shooting of October 18, 2013 continues to elicit a mixed reaction among different legal experts. One of the most debatable applications of deadly force principle is the Calvos case and Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) operation. As Murphy, a member of Calvos family later recalls the men in black had pointed a gun to him while he peeped through the window (Broome 2011). While, the law provides this team to practice deadly force strategy in combating heavily armed criminals, the debate for its action against Calvo continues to stir heated debate. Certainly, Calvos family just like any other family was

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Characteristics of Business Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Characteristics of Business Leadership - Essay Example In this context, the present study focuses on a highly popular business leader, Steven Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer Company and shall learn about his role and practices that he used in his leadership attributes in his company. Steven Jobs: The Initiation of His Leadership Skills in Business: Steven Paul Jobs, as now remembered as Steve Jobs, was a highly popular tycoon in the world of business proving to be a highly successful entrepreneur in the electronics and information technology industry. He has been part of several patents related to the invention and development of computer related products. Initially discussing about his business life, it was in 1977 that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak together presented their first microcomputer in the White House. It was named as Apple II and the entire marketing plan and decisions were undertaken by Jobs. By 1993, the sale of the product made the two inventors millionaires. Thereafter, Jobs continued with his newer inventions, as wel l as managing his Apple Company with due sincerity and leadership. When he realized that the company needed experienced administration, he involved John Sculley in the team of management (Biography of Steve Jobs and Timeline of Apple, 2011). In this context it can be understood that the business leader survived several challenges while he could reach to the level of success. Firstly, he was new in the market that represented the fear of not being recognized by consumers. Secondly, his product was associated with the IT thus there could only be certain sections of people who would be interested. Thirdly, the first microcomputer that they invented was meant for commercial purposes and for the mass. Thus lack of acceptance could pose severe threats to their career. However, although the above mentioned challenges existed, Jobs became successful and his Apple Company gradually proved to be a huge success. This in other words reflects on the efficient leadership and management style that Jobs presented in his work. Business Leadership of Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs was known for his autocratic style of leadership values. He used to remain personally involved in all the steps and measures undertaken for the objectives of his company. For his working team, he used to involve people who matched with his mindset and he was highly demanding. He did not love delegating authority to people and would rather get involved in person in every aspect of operation. Jobs was extremely serious with his work and loved his Company too much to even lessen his involvement while he was ill (Branson, 2011). Steve’s inventions were meant for the global markets and thus he had to encounter cultural differences as well. However, the success of the company represents that Steve had been capable of adjusting to the differences and marketing his products successful across the world. The primary reason behind his adjustment and success was his love and involvement for the technology that he worked on. Steve believed in thinking differently and had faith in the values and principles of the company that he never left behind. Compassion for his company allowed the business leader to stick to his views and policies and continue with delivering his products successfully in the global market as well as adjusting with different cultures across the world. He delivered his products not depending on the choices

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Virgin Galactic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Virgin Galactic - Essay Example Ever since Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, it has been every man’s wish to be able to do the same. Space is one of the most mystifying and romantic locations ever and knowing how hard it is to get there has only made it more sought after. But everyone cannot become astronauts. That is why Richard Branson, with his Virgin Group decided it was time common people get the opportunity to set foot into space. And with this noble thought in mind, the Virgin Group created Virgin Galactic – a company that is dedicated to taking ‘space tourists’ to their most sought after tourist spot – space. To do this, Virgin Galactic has modeled its very own spaceships after the history-making SpaceShipOne. Virgin Galactic’s spaceship is called SpaceShipTwo and its mission is to make â€Å"affordable exploration of space by human beings a real possibility†. Market Segmentation: Market Segmentation is the bifurcation of a large group of people into smaller groups that have similar characteristics. The whole point of this exercise is so that an organization may be able to design a marketing mix to fulfill the demands and expectations of the participants in the various sub groups, in a precise manner. The market is usually divided based on geography, demography, consumer behavior and psychography. Geographic Segmentation defines the exact geographic location of residence of the target. It is often divided based on region (continent, country, state, city, etc.), size of metropolitan area based on size of population, population density (urban, suburban, rural, etc.) and climate. Based on these variables, we can define the target audience for Virgin Galactic to be living in urban areas of UK that are densely populated.4 Demographic Segmentation looks at dividing the market based on demographic variables such as age, gender, family size, income, religion, education, social class, etc. Based on these variables, we could say that the target for Virgin Galactic would be high net worth individuals with high incomes, belonging to SEC A+.5 They would be educated and probably come from small families, that is, either bachelors or just married, with no kids. Behavioral Segmentation divides the target based on consumer behavior towards the product or service. It is based on variables such as brand loyalty, user status (i.e. first time user, potential, regular, etc.), readiness to buy, occasions (holidays or other events).6 Based on these variables, the target for Virgin Galactic could be defined as first time users who are most willing to spend money to go into space. They just want to go into space, and aren’t much worried about the money they are spending. Occasions play no role in this. Psychographic Segmentation divides people based on their lifestyles, interests, opinions, values, etc. Based on these variables, we could define the target for Virgin Galactic as people who lead a very frivolous lifestyle, who are willing to spend good money on anything that will make them happy, in this case takes them to space. Their interests would include space, experiencing anything new, especially before their peers. Consumer Profile: Geographic: Region: England City: Birmingham Density: Urban Demographic: Gender: Male Age: 38 years Lifecycle: Married, no children Occu pation: Businessman Education: University graduate Income: GPB 500000 per annum Nationality: British Behavioral: User Status: First time Readiness: Very high Benefits: Going into space, making a dream come true, doing something special before peers and competitors. Occasion: None Psychographic: Social class: A+ - high income, high net worth individual Personality: Fun, ambitious, impulsive, confident, athletic, enthusiastic to experience new things Lifestyle: Tech-savvy, plays a lot of sport, fitness freak, socially active Hobbies: Sport, follows tennis, golf and cricket Mobile Phone: iPhone 5 (Contract) Consumer Behavior Factors Consumer behavior refers to the method in which a consumer selects, purchases and consumes certain products

Friday, July 26, 2019

Working mothers shoudn't go back to work year aftergiving birth Research Paper

Working mothers shoudn't go back to work year aftergiving birth - Research Paper Example However, most countries limit such leave to six months after which mothers are expected to return to work. Various reasons have been cited that force the mothers to return to work. These include economic reasons as well as loss of work opportunities in case they delay the return. However, the positive impact that delayed return to employment has on the infant, on the mother, on the society, far exceeds the adverse impact of early return to labor market. Thus, working mothers should not return to work for a year after giving birth. Child-birth – the period of transition The birth of a child is a period of transition for the couple as it brings about significant changes in their relationship, responsibilities and preoccupations. Mothers are the primary caregivers of the family and their return to re-employment soon after birth of a child affects several factors – parental well-being, investment in parenting, marital relationship, attitudes towards the work and family, and the infant’s disposition and temperament (Feldman, Sussman & Zigler, 2004). It may be argued that childcare centers could be used when mothers return to work but low quality care can result in maternal insensitivity and feeling of insecurity in the child. The number of caregivers in childcare centers may not be adequate. Parents are better caregivers and feel more secure of their infants’ safety when they attend to the infants themselves. Breast-feeding leads to important and long-term health benefits for the infants and their mothers (Murtagh & Moulton, 2011). It also positively affects the cognitive development of the infants and their health as adults. The American Academy of Pediatrics highly recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first six months of birth and continued breast-feeding till the infant is 12 months of age. If mothers work outside the home, it negatively influences the duration of breast-feeding. Unsupportive work environments reduce the breast- feeding duration. Adverse impact of early return US based studies find that maternal employment in the first year of life leads to poorer outcomes, later in childhood. In particular, poorer cognitive outcomes have been reported. The adverse effects are pronounced when mothers return to full-time work before the child is one year old (Gregg, Washbrook, Propper & Burgess, 2005). As participation of women with infants in the labor market has gone up, prevalence rate of breast-feeding has declined. In a study based in Taiwan, Chuang et al (2010) find that return to work within six months of giving birth, is a barrier to continuation of breast-feeding. This study was based in Taiwan where maternity leave does not extend beyond 8 weeks. Women were found to stop breast-feeding after this 8-week period during which they were confined at home. Role of legislation in early return Women are being forced to return to work soon after giving birth to the child for economic reasons. In addition, s elf-esteem and a sense of worth are associated with the paid worker status. However, this causes time pressure on family members and adversely impacts the welfare of the children (Smeaton, 2006). Men should be encouraged to perform more active roles in the family and child-rearing. Work-life balance and increasing nursery provision at workplace, part-time work for some months upon return to work should be given due consideration. In the UK before 1990, mothers were paid to stay at home for 18 weeks following child birth. They could return to work anytime up to 29 weeks of child birth. This study by Burgess et al (2008) found that legislation plays a vital role in the work return rates. Most women returned to work at the end of paid leave (18 months) and beginning of unpaid leave. If the partner’

Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Supply chain management - Essay Example To achieve this objective, there is a need of an organization to have an efficient supply chain that will make it possible for the organization to supply their products without passing on the extra costs of supply to their customers. In achieving this objective, the organization under consideration will manage to obtain a competitive advantage over its competitors. However, this is not the case, and it is because there are a variety of factors that determine the supply chain of a product. Some of these factors are beyond the control of business organizations (Lee and Lee, 2007). This is because they are influenced by the environmental conditions. This research paper is an examination of the global supply chain of coffee. It is important to denote that coffee is an important product, that is traded worldwide, and the balance of trade in regard to coffee production and manufacturing, is in favor of the developed countries, as opposed to the developing countries (Lindgreen and Maon, 2013). Coffee is one of the major sources of revenue for less developed countries, and it is always grown on large scale, for purposes of exportation. On this basis, coffee is a very valuable crop in less developed countries, since it is a source of livelihood. In analyzing the global supply chain of coffee, this paper will identify the power in which different actors in this supply chain hold in the market. It is important to denote that most production of coffee emanates from the third world countries, while the manufacturers of this coffee, popularly referred to as roasters are found in the first world countries. Global trade in coffee has been made possible because of the international liberalization of trade. Liberalization of trade involves reducing international barriers to trade in services and goods (Sherer, 2005). This principle is based on the concept that a market works better and most efficiently when competition existing in it, is less regulated. It is important to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Summarize the major plans that impacted the creation of the Assignment

Summarize the major plans that impacted the creation of the Constitution - Assignment Example th the other Plan of New Jersey, which called, after all, the states to possess unbiased representation in the congress as to the Confederation articles. The third plan brought about the New Jersey and the Virginia plans as tools for exhibition in the existing houses of Congress. It led to an equal representation in the Senate and balanced in the chamber. The New Jersey Plan was initially an answer to the Virginia plan, and it was displayed at the constitutional convention. Through this plan, the Congress had some extra powers of tax collection and setting. State laws were weak towards federal statutes. The New Jersey Plan called for the selection of the executive council by the Congress, to serve for a period of one-year long term. The term was subject to recall by the governors of the state. The executive appointed the judiciary and was accompanied by a lifetime service. The plan called for equal representation of the states and the small states feared that the bigger states would become very powerful. This plan tried to give the small states similar powers to those with larger states in the congress. The third plan of Connecticut compromise mixed the New Jersey and the Virginia plans as replicas for state exhibition in the houses of Congress. The Connecticut plan was put forward by Roger Sherman during the constitutional convention. The Great Compromise also goes by the name compromise, solved many issues related to representation in Congress. The plan mixed the other two plans (New Jersey and Virginia) as a tool of display in the houses of Congress; the states should be depicted on equal terms in the Senate. The states also should be represented proportionately in the representatives’ house. The plan called for counting of every five slaves to be done as three for the purposes of population determination (this though did not offer the votes to the slaves). Almost all the proposed laws related to fundraising would have to come from the representatives

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How Financing is Important for the Success of the Company Case Study - 37

How Financing is Important for the Success of the Company - Case Study Example As the paper outlines, sourcing finance is one of the critical factors determining the success or failure of a company. For example in 1971 Phil Knight was faced with a crunch situation regarding his company Nike. The company had at that point of time owned several stores and sales turnover was nearly $300,000. The company was poised for expansion. But the problem the Knight faced was that the company needed capital to finance the growth and this capital was not available with Knight at the point of time. It got this much-required finance from Nissho Iwai Corporation, a Japan-based trading company. Through this finance, the company could start manufacturing its own line of products outside its home country and then bring the finished goods back to the USA in order to market those. Any firm has access to mainly three sources of finances Debt, Equity, and Retained earnings. Different sources of finance have different associated costs. The cost of debt is calculated as the coupon rate ( 1-tax rate). Cost of equity, on the other hand, is calculated as = (Dividend per share/ Market price of the share (MPS)) + growth rate of dividends. Normally debt capital is considered as a cheaper source of capital than equity capital. However, both Debt and Equity come with associated advantages and disadvantages. Normally the firm should go in for a balance of debt and equity financing. The total debt capital used by Nike is $2,743,000 whereas the total equity capital of the firm is $10,824,000. The viability of a financing option depends primarily on the issue of whether the return of the investment proposal is greater the cost of the particular source of finance. For example, in 2002 Nike decided to enter into a contract with the University of Alabama whereby it agreed to pay them $100,000 annually (Kish, 2013). Whereas this deal may sound as too expensive but such deals are pretty important for sports giants like Nike.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Globalization as an ingrained culture of capitalism Essay

Globalization as an ingrained culture of capitalism - Essay Example The paper tells that through years globalization has raised doubts in our minds. There has been a constant debate on the pros and cons of globalization. Many have debated this phenomenon is a result of the telecommunication boom leading to turning the world into a global village. With a growing sense of unease among many of us, the current trends in global capitalism and global society are being constantly reviewed and reiterated. It has been argued by many theorists that the characteristic aspect of the globalized economy is the market economy. However, some have maintained that it is not so much market economy but capitalism that characterizes today’s time. Trying to understand the rules that guided capitalism in earlier days will help to understand the new form of capitalism, â€Å"globalization†, today. Eighteenth-century definition of capitalism refers to an economic and social regime in which the benefits and ownership of productive assets were appropriated by the minority to the exclusion of the many. The driving force was money which was used to make more money by any means available to those who already have a great deal. Capitalism has not been concerned with the efficient allocation of resources to meet the needs of common man thus resulting in inequality and deprivation mostly. The ideal of capitalism is a borderless global economy in which money and goods can be moved freely in search of short-term maximum profits without regard to the consequence for people, communities, and nature.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Consumer Behaviour-Travel and Tourism Essay Example for Free

Consumer Behaviour-Travel and Tourism Essay I want to do this! Whats This? .. . suitcases image by Alexander Ivanov from Fotolia. com Many factors influence travel and tourism consumer behavior. As of 2010, the global travel industry contributed 9. 2 percent of the worlds total gross domestic product, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council. People travel for work, to visit family and friends and for pleasure. When it comes to making choices about where and how to travel, multiple factors influence travel and tourism consumer behavior. Global Economy. Travel is often seen as a luxury, and when people are earning less or worried about earning less, they may eliminate travel from their budgets. As the world economy struggled in 2009 and into 2010, the travel industry suffered along with other businesses. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, global travel and tourism was down nearly 5 percent in 2009, specifically due to a struggling economy. Still, as the economy bounces back, the tourism industry will as well. The World Travel and Tourism Council predicts a 3. 2 percent growth in the travel and tourism industry in 2011. Internet and Social Media Consumers have instant access to reviews and opinions about travel spots and accommodations around the world, as well as airlines, car rental agencies and other related travel companies. More and more, people turn to the Internet to research potential trips and seek out bargains. Thus, the Internet and social media can influence consumers travel choices. According to The Digital Letter, reviews on sites like TripAdvisor can make or break a destination. Prospective travelers can read reviews and find out if others found the hotel to be clean and the staff courteous, or if the service [they will] receive is worthy of [their] time and money. The Digital Letter points out that travelers can learn everything they want to know about a destination in a matter of minutes on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google. While a businesss website can also play a factor in consumer choice, if independent online reviews arent consistent with the companys claims, travelers are likely to make a different selection. Personal Budgets Even with a bad economy, some people still need or want to travel. In 2010, savvy travelers have many ways to find deals online and cut their costs before heading out the door. Airlines offer online specials for discount flights and last-minute trips, and companies such as Kayak exist solely to gather the best travel deals on the Internet into one place, so shoppers can compare prices. Travelers no longer need to rely on the standard price for transportation or accommodations. They may now make their travel choices based solely on price. .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Adopted Children Will Face Depression Problem Psychology Essay

Adopted Children Will Face Depression Problem Psychology Essay Adopted children have additional factors that affect their lives. They may have been in one or more foster placements before their adoption. They may have been in one or more foster placement in homes where other children already lived and who may have resented the intrusion of strangers into their own family and space. Each temporary placement brings a confusing array of conflicting values into the childs life. Some of these values studies have linked adoption to an increased risk of depression in adopted child. While reports are can be conflicting and confusing for adoptive parents and health care providers, there are some theories, symptoms, facts and treatment options to keep in mind when caring for or treating adopted children who may suffer from depression. They always thing themselves are no values in the world and so on. Adopted children often have mixed feeling about their adoption. They may learn to love their adoptive parents, but struggle with the fact that their own birt h mothers gave them up. They might ask the adoptive parent. Why do you want me? Why didnt my birth mom want me? What is wrong with me? Worse, they might think these things, but not ask them. They sense that something is not right about their situation, and they dont know what to think or how to feel about it. It will affect their childhood memory. An extensive literature examining behavioral, diagnostic, and demographic characteristics of adopted children has provided several plausible explanations for the high rate of behavior problems among adopted children. They feel different from the adoptive family and struggle with a sense of loss, rejection, and even shame and embarrassment over their adoption. Even with these questions, they do not act out or cause major difficulties within their adoptive family or at school. I agree all the adopted children will face depression problem because they always look down themselves and embarrassment. They feel different from the adoptive family. Some adopted children are afraid to talk or ask questions about their birth family so they fantasize about the birth family instead. My life would be great if only I could live with my parents. They would love me and take me places and give me money and I wouldnt have to follow all these rules. I would be much happier back home. Many children fantasize about what their birth parents look like, what they do for a living, and how much they are missed. Life events frequently draw adopted children back to memories of the past. Birthdays, holidays, and important events are hard for these children. What is a time of celebration for others is often a sad reminder of loss or rejection for them. We celebrate the day of their birth; but they secretly mourn the loss of their parents. Children interpret life and experiences, whether or not we talk to them about it. Often we avoid discussing what we dont want to deal with, thinking that children will not think about it. An emotionally challenged child who is adopted might go through depression and withdrawal. In some cases, it can get so severe that intervention and treatment is necessary. The adopted parent must be patient with the child and try to communicate with the child as much as the child allows. Problems with self-identity are usually the case with adoptive chil dren. This is especially true of children who have been adopted from other countries. They go through culture shock and wondering where they fit in. Some might become insecure because of a language barrier. At school, these children might find it difficult to make friends. Adoptive parents should make every effort to embrace the childs culture as well as teach the child about the new culture and surroundings. Sometimes, if they want to buy some toys or whatever and their adopter parent are not but it let the adopted children felt not treat them like son. Adopted children may sad over the loss of a relationship with their birthparents and the loss of the cultural and family connections that would have existed with those parents. They always thing what reason their birthparents want to leave them. There are very trouble and feeling abandoned, and not good enough, coupled with specific hurt feelings over the birthmothers choice to reject the children. The feeling of not being wanted is another problem for them. I make the adopted children felt very disappointed and depression. If they have experienced abandonment, the adopted children will not trust their new parents until they get to know them. This might take a while for the adjustment to take place. By talking openly about the adoption, the adoptive parent will offer a reassurance of stability. Adopted children may also suffer from a loss of access to important medical or genetic birth family histories. So the adopted children will thing this problem until become depression. Adopted children may feel as though they are betraying their adoptive family and that they will hurt their adoptive family by expressing their desire to learn about their birth family. In a best case scenario, adopted children do not have to wonder how their adoptive family members feel about their interest in their birthparents because adoptive parents will have addressed these concerns directly in previous conversation. Even in such a best-case scenario, the emotions may still be somewhat painful or difficult. It is not obvious that an adoption has occurred when adopted children physically resemble their adoptive parents since people are unlikely to spontaneously ask about adoption issues. This type of attention can quickly become annoying and even hurtful if adoptive parents do not take steps to shut it down. Otherwise, it can cause many argument and tragedy. Sensitive adoptive children may also fall victim to teasing and bullying at school, where other children taunt them in an attempt to make them feel ashamed for being adopted. Not every adopted child will express an interest in his or her birth family history. Some children become aware that most adoptions occur when birthmothers judge themselves financially and emotionally unable to raise a given child, and come to feel that there isnt anything to gain by wondering about or seeking out their birth family. Such children prefer to just leave the adoption as a done deal and move on with who they are now, letting the past stay in the past. There is nothing wrong with adopted children who fail to show concern about their birth parents, and likewise, nothing wrong with adopted children who do show such interest. Both reactions are normal, if sometimes painful. In addition, the adoption issues of difference, impermanence, feelings of mutual obligation and fear of abandonment are generally poorly understood and form the basis for the development of unique interaction patterns of communication. I know many adoptive parents who are raising traumatized children. One thing that fascinates me is how infrequently I hear adoptive parents talking about dissociative disorders. I say this because, on message boards for adult survivors of childhood abuse, dissociative disorders are high on the list of areas in which adult survivors struggle. They developed their disorders as young children, and as adults, they struggle to find a way to heal from them. Almost all the adopted children are diagnosed depression, so I agree about that the children will face this problem. Conclusion Eventually, I felt very compassionately on the adopted children and find the way to solve the problem. Adopted children often have mixed feeling about their adoption. They may learn to love their adoptive parents, but struggle with the fact that their own birth mothers gave them up. We try to overcome this problem and give them a happy childhood memory. Emotional and psychological problems are usually part of the reason why the child is placed in the adopted home. The adopted parent must be sensitive to a child that has experienced emotional and physical abuse. Working with a counselor or psychiatrist will help the child to make an easier transition to a new home and life. They always thing themselves are no values in the world and so on. Adopted children often have mixed feeling about their adoption. So we give so confident them to overcome. In adolescence, the adopted child is likely to have an increased interest in his or her birth parents. This open curiosity is not unusual and d oes not mean that he or she is rejecting the adoptive parents.   Some adolescents may wish to learn the identity of their birth parents.   Adoptive parents can respond by letting the adolescent know it is okay to have such interest and questions, and when asked should give what information they have about the birth family with sensitivity and support. Children should learn of their adoption from the adoptive parents.   This helps give the message that adoption is good and that the child can trust the parents.   If the child first learns about the adoption intentionally or accidentally from someone other than parents, the child may feel anger and mistrust towards the parents, and may view the adoption as bad or shameful because it was kept a secret. Question 2 Introduction Nowadays, teenager like to abuse drug, glue addiction, and cigarettes. Beside that, a new addiction is emerging and known as computer game addiction. This  phenomenon  is a quite new one and because of that not much of a  real  research or studying has been done on this subject, so  it hard  to tell when your computer usage has gone too far.   A heavy user of computer games should be aware on how much time  he spends in front of the computer and think about the choices he have, one way is to just sit in front of the computer playing games and let time pass by. Computer  game addiction can be on both good and bad sides.  Its a quite rare thought but game addiction got some advantages.  And I can take this statement because Ive seen what it has done to people, I have a friend who was taking drugs, he was never home and he didnt care shit about the school. Teenagers only focus in computer and not mind on his studying. Either way, the teenager is living out a fantas y life. The internet and computer is often an escape from reality for teenagers who feel they do not fit in with the real world. Either in chat rooms or with games, the teenager can be whomever they choose to be. All it takes is a click of the mouse and they are in their fantasy world living out their dream life, either in the form of a hero in a game to being somebody they are not in a chat room. Otherwise, teenagers also explore the porn website to download some movie and pornography. It is unfortunate that for a minority of teenagers, role playing of this kind turns into a full-on addiction. Computer game addiction among teens is very often the cause of family arguments because the teen will forgo social and family events preferring to use their computer instead. Very often an internet addict will stay up all night playing games or using a chat room. In the worst cases, teens will quit school or college favoring their computer game addiction. Symptoms of computer game addiction c an include mood changes, they can become withdrawn, bursts of anger and a huge impact on their social relationships. Answer Computer games are most popular among teenagers. Thus, too many teenagers are only playing computer game and abandon their academic. Computer games excel at getting people addicted. Although a young person can develop an addiction to almost any video game, the most problematic gaming genre is that of massively multiplayer online role playing games, the most famous of which is World of Warcraft. When a person falls prey to the temptation of letting this game turn from a hobby into an obsession, it is very easy for teenagers to develop a true psychological addiction to the game.  World of Warcraft are virtual brain candy, designed to keep users addicted by adding endless amounts of content.   A mundane task as grinding gold can be extremely addicting to the average user, simply because of the reward system that is in place.  Otherwise, online gaming is seriously because many teenagers play online game everyday. Researchers have found that a survey of 1500 teenagers indicated 25% were compulsive video gamers. Fifty per cent of those surveyed used the word addiction to describe a friends gaming behaviors. Because excitement becomes the reward for playing and because the games are set up to reinforce behavior intermittently, they are extremely habit-forming, and even potentially addicting. Psychologists think that video games are addicting because they provide many basic psychological needs to the users.   Online video games offer rewards, virtual freedom, and often a connection with people.   Addiction to computer games can be caused by psychological problems such as antisocial personality disorder, depression, and social phobia.   Users want a way to escape from their reality, and video games provide the perfect escape. Because of their widespread use, many studies provide data on the short and long-term effects of regularly playing computer games. Some studies conclude there is a link between playing violent video games and tendencies towards violent behavior. Increasingly, the social element to playing computer games affects how teenagers interact with peers. Playing computer games has also been shown to improve problem-solving skills and increase adeptness at using technology overall. But an addictive aspect too many games suggest that playing in moderation is critical. The short term effect of computer addiction are the most prominent being that violent games change the way gamers interpret and respond to aggressive acts. Even those who arent predisposed to aggression respond with increased hostility after playing a violent video game. The game becomes whats called a situational variable which changes the perception of and reaction to aggressive behavior. Long-term effects of violent video games are still uncertain and are fiercely debated. No long-term studies have been conducted to date, so there are only hypotheses. Anderson and Bushman theorized that excessive exposure to violent video games causes the formation of aggressive beliefs and attitudes, while also desensitizing gamers to violent behaviors. Though long-term effects havent been clinically documented, one need only look at the way video game violence has progressively increased over the past two decades to get a sense of potential long-term effects. Parents would be wise to monitor the amount of time their kids spend gaming and watch closely for any negative effects. Many teens can play video games a few hours a week, successfully balancing school activities, grades, friends, and family obligations. But for some, gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Just like gambling and other compulsive behaviors, teens can become so enthralled in the fantasy world of gaming that they neglect their family, friends, work, and school. They were excitedly playing a computer game they had just downloaded. This father felt lucky to overhear his son, disturbing as it was. He was able to steer the boys to non-violent games, more appropriate for their age and more in alignment with the familys values. Additionally, if a child or teenager sits in front of a game all day and night, there is no physical activity involved, which can lead to obesity and other health problems. Internet computer addiction among teens is very often the cause of family arguments because the teen will forgo social and family events preferring to use their computer instead. Very often an internet addict will stay up all night playing games. In many ways, teen computer game addictions have remarkably similar symptoms to any other form of compulsive or addictive behavior. Whether it is drinking, gambling, gaming or drug abuse, all activities that encourage compulsive behavior exploit the pa rt of the brain that is responsible for delivering rewards for our actions. The internet and computer is often an escape from reality for teenagers who feel they do not fit in with the real world. Either in chat rooms or with games, the teenager can be whomever they choose to be. All it takes is a click of the mouse and they are in their fantasy world living out their dream life, either in the form of a hero in a game to being somebody they are not in a chat room. Conclusion At the end, I felt a parent of a teenager suffering from internet and computer addiction should act upon it as soon as they see the symptoms by trying to limit the amount of hours the teenager spends on the computer. To prevent internet computer addiction among teens is somewhat a challenge. Encouraging the child to take up other pastimes or hobbies can in most cases turn their attention away from the computer. An organization specifically set up to combat internet computer addiction among teens, and has helped many thousands of teens and indeed, people of all ages, with their computer and internet addiction. State governments have attempted to regulate access to age-inappropriate content. We must organize some specifically camp motivation to set up combat internet computer addiction among teens, and has helped many thousands of teens and indeed, people of all ages, with their computer and internet addiction. Identifying triggers involved in Internet addiction is another area where p sychological counseling is important. Such triggers are the thoughts and feelings that precede the teens use of the Internet. Training in social skills development or communications is also recommended, as many teens that have become addicted to the Internet are socially withdrawn and lack the ability to communicate easily with others on a face-to-face basis. One point that is also common to other types of addictions holds true for Internet addiction as well. Left untreated, Internet addiction can consume more and more of your teens time and energy, physical and emotional consequences may ensue, and relationships, grades, job and career opportunities may suffer.

Jetstar Airline is an airline company that provides low cost flight

Jetstar Airline is an airline company that provides low cost flight Jetstar have their code of practice. They always want to be better and more informative relationship between their customers and insurers. They have improved their customer confidence towards their services. Each complaint they receive from a customer, they will find a way to resolve the problem by providing better services for their customers. They will keep their customer services standards as high as possible in order to get their customers coming back for it. Other than that, Jetstar has a cultural belief that they need to focus on providing their customers the lowest rate as possible so that more customers in the Asia Pacific region that takes their flight from Singapore and Australia. As a low cost carrier airline, they face a lot of challenges from their competitors especially their market in Australia, Singapore and in the other parts of the Asia Pacific but still they kept on fighting in the challenges they encountered. Due to the challenges, Jetstars income statements have been hard to remain constant. Jetstar needs to implement more strategies in order to stabilize their sales and get them increase higher. Their strategy of providing low cost fares to their customers really promotes themselves as one of the low cost airline leaders. Jetstar has had a unique way of selling that enables them to offer the cheapest fares compared to the other low cost airline in the industry. Marketing mix consists of the 7Ps which are Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and the Physical Evidence. By identifying these 7Ps it will be much easier for Jetstar to run and improve their business. Product The product that Jetstar Airline is selling is their flights destination. They offer their customers a destination that they could offer at a low cost. Price The prices they offer to their customers should be low and at a reasonable price. Since they are known as a low cost airline than they should do as what they say. Place The place where they sell their product is at the ticketing counter at an airport and also on their website which enables their customer to book and check their flight online. Promotion They always promote low prices when their customers book a flight in advance. They will give a very low price than the one they book on a near date. People The people are their target markets, who are their customers that favour to travel via airplane. They should focus on satisfying these people that have chosen to travel with their airline and they should try to attract others to chose their airline for travelling. Process The process they practice to sell their product is starting from checking their customers booking list and their flight availability to issuing the customers flight destination requests and checking in their luggage to their boarding time. Physical Evidence The only physical evidence that their customers have are their boarding pass. The boarding pass is a proof that the customer has purchase a flight destination with Jetstar Airlines. If there are any complaints to be made or an incident occurs on the flight they board, the boarding pass will be the proof that the customer is a passenger of Jetstar Airline. They have to know what to target and how to segment their market. Targeting and the segmentation of their market are important for them to enhance their business. Without focusing on these it will be hard for them to satisfy their customers. Jetstar target those who love to travel at low cost, and they have segmented their customers by knowing how to handle each customer differently and professionally. They have to really see the importance of targeting and segmentation. Understanding what their targeted customers needs and wants in the market helps them to provide better services for their customers. Segmentation will help them to spread their wings further and give them the opportunity to provide more flight destination to their customers. They should know where do travellers frequently travel to. At first their positioning strategy in the market was not really appealing to their target. They were not really perfect in some ways and that their fares were higher than the other low cost carriers that were operating in the Asia Pacific. In the Southeast Asia, their growths were held back by the regulatory environment of the region. Thus, Jetstar only gain losses from the start of their attempt to enter the Southeast Asia market. 3.0 Integration of Marketing Mix When the marketing mix are integrated, then only they can run their business smoothly because the already know what their products are, how much they are going to charge their fares, where they are going to sell it, what type of promotion are they going to offer to their customers, who are they going to sell it to, how are they going to process it and what type of evidence that the customer has purchase from them. This ensures them to Put the right product at the right place and at the right time. It might change based on the current changes of the market environment and economy. If there is a slight change in the economy such as an increase in the oil price, there will also be an increase in the fare price. A change in the environment will also affect their business, for example if there is a natural disaster or a war going on in a country that they frequently travel to; travellers would not want to travel to that certain country and their flight destination choice will be less. Their marketing mix must be able to adapt to certain changes that is occurring around them. 4.0 Target Market Segment In any business, they need to divide their market into smaller groups of customers that has a distinctive needs, characteristics, or behaviour that might need to be provided by a different product or marketing mixes; this is called market segmentation. (Armstrong G. Kotler P. 2003). Since Jetstar is a low cost carriage airline, they should turn their focus on the one segment that most of their customers prefer, even though they also offer a Star Class which gives much more comfort to the customer. They might have to improve on their services and their in-flight interior to make their customers feel comfortable at least when boarding their flight. Their in-flight services should really satisfy their customers by keeping them comfortable and providing them food and entertainment. When their customers are satisfied by what Jetstar has to offer them in their flights, surely they will suggest their other people to choose Jetstar for their travelling experiences. This way, they will be able to increase their sales. 5.0 Marketing Strategies Before building up a marketing strategy, they must look back into their marketing mix. They need to plan something that is out of the ordinary than the other low cost carriers. They can still offer a quite lavish service even though they are a low cost airline. They dont need to be the typical low cost airline where when a customer board it feels like they just boarded on a low cost bus but it does not have to be that way; customers have paid a fare that is much more expensive than taking a bus. Although, travelling by airplane is much more convenient and faster but it does not meant that customers should feel uncomfortable throughout their journey. Jetstar needs to be outstanding than the others in the industry if they want to be more profitable. They need to offer more flight destinations to their customers so that they have more choices of destination to choose from. They should also offer more departure time for their customers at least every 4 hours. By that it means Jetstar needs too buy more aircraft and hire more employees so that there could be more flights to more destinations; thus making it more profitable. In a short journey flight that is less than 3 hours, they should at least provide a complimentary drink from a choice of orange juice or carbonated drinks and not just by providing a water fountain and cups for the economy class  [2]  . Also they should provide some complimentary light snacks for the economy class customers such as peanuts or crackers. 6.0 Conclusion In order to conclude what has been written in this report, Jetstar should look into providing a service that is best for their customers. They should enhance every technology and services that they are practicing into a higher and upgraded level.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Stone Angel Essay -- English Literature Essays

The Stone Angel Self-Inflicted Isolation and Loneliness â€Å"I never realized until this moment how cut off I am.† (Laurence, 1988, 294) In the novel The Stone Angel, author Margaret Laurence portrays a lonely old woman by the name of Hagar. Over the course of the novel, Hagar reflects back on the memories that have created the story of her life. Hagar is a deeply lonely woman, and much of that loneliness is self-inflicted. This mental isolation is caused by her stubbornness, her pride, and the blindness that she has towards any opinion other than her own. Hagar Currie-Shipley is a very stubborn woman at the age of ninety. She is very set in her ways, and does not appreciate being told what to do. The reader is introduced to this stubbornness when Hagar is brought to Silverthreads nursing home to view the location. Upon this discovery, Hagar attempts to run away, only to find herself lost in a forest. However, this stubbornness is not a new characteristic of Hagar’s, for she has been this way since early childhood. I wouldn’t let him see me cry, I was so enraged. He used a foot ruler, and when I jerked my smarting palms back, he made me hold them out again. He looked at my dry eyes in fury, as though he’d failed unless he drew water from them. He struck and struck, and then all at once he threw the ruler down and put his arms around me†¦ â€Å"You take after me,† he said, as though that made everything clear. â€Å"You’ve got backbone, I’ll give you that.† (Laurence, 1988, 9-10) This passage shows Hagar’s ability to hide her true emotions, which is a tool that she uses a lot later on in life. She later talks of making love to her husband, Bram, stating that even when she did enjoy it, â€Å"He never knew. I never let him know. I never spoke aloud, and I made certain the trembling was all inner.† (Laurence, 1988, 81) Also, early on in life, when her brother Dan was dying of pneumonia, she could not bring herself to perform his final wish. He cried for his dead mother, and Matt had asked Hagar to wear an old shawl, to act as their mother, and hold Dan, but Hagar could not bear the thought of portraying someone as weak as her mother. Her heart seems to be made of stone, much like the stone angel that her father had imported from Italy for her mother’s grave. Hagar kept all of her emotions bottled up inside. After Bram died, she did not allow herself to cry. It w... ...d to send Arlene to Toronto. When John tells Hagar about the move Hagar pretends to know nothing about it. John informs her that she â€Å" ‘always bet on the wrong horse,’ John said gently. ‘Marv was your boy, but you never saw that, did you?’† (Laurence, 1988, 237) it really opens Hagar’s eyes. She realizes that she has been wrong in her favoritism, although she will not admit it until later on after John is dead. When she is lying in her hospital bed many years later, she lets this realization be known, telling Marvin â€Å" ‘You’ve not been cranky, Marvin. You’ve been good to me, always. A better son than John.’† (Laurence, 1988, 305) Sometimes these realizations come too late. The self-inflicted isolation that Hagar feels is a result of her stubbornness, pride, and blindness towards other views. Her past has shaped her to become the bitter, stolid, rigid old woman that she is in the novel, also greatly contributing to her mental isolation. This isolation is a result of the personal decisions and actions that she has made throughout the course of the novel. â€Å"Every last one of them has gone and left me. I never left them. It was the other way around, I swear it.† (Laurence, 1988, 164) The Stone Angel Essay -- English Literature Essays The Stone Angel Self-Inflicted Isolation and Loneliness â€Å"I never realized until this moment how cut off I am.† (Laurence, 1988, 294) In the novel The Stone Angel, author Margaret Laurence portrays a lonely old woman by the name of Hagar. Over the course of the novel, Hagar reflects back on the memories that have created the story of her life. Hagar is a deeply lonely woman, and much of that loneliness is self-inflicted. This mental isolation is caused by her stubbornness, her pride, and the blindness that she has towards any opinion other than her own. Hagar Currie-Shipley is a very stubborn woman at the age of ninety. She is very set in her ways, and does not appreciate being told what to do. The reader is introduced to this stubbornness when Hagar is brought to Silverthreads nursing home to view the location. Upon this discovery, Hagar attempts to run away, only to find herself lost in a forest. However, this stubbornness is not a new characteristic of Hagar’s, for she has been this way since early childhood. I wouldn’t let him see me cry, I was so enraged. He used a foot ruler, and when I jerked my smarting palms back, he made me hold them out again. He looked at my dry eyes in fury, as though he’d failed unless he drew water from them. He struck and struck, and then all at once he threw the ruler down and put his arms around me†¦ â€Å"You take after me,† he said, as though that made everything clear. â€Å"You’ve got backbone, I’ll give you that.† (Laurence, 1988, 9-10) This passage shows Hagar’s ability to hide her true emotions, which is a tool that she uses a lot later on in life. She later talks of making love to her husband, Bram, stating that even when she did enjoy it, â€Å"He never knew. I never let him know. I never spoke aloud, and I made certain the trembling was all inner.† (Laurence, 1988, 81) Also, early on in life, when her brother Dan was dying of pneumonia, she could not bring herself to perform his final wish. He cried for his dead mother, and Matt had asked Hagar to wear an old shawl, to act as their mother, and hold Dan, but Hagar could not bear the thought of portraying someone as weak as her mother. Her heart seems to be made of stone, much like the stone angel that her father had imported from Italy for her mother’s grave. Hagar kept all of her emotions bottled up inside. After Bram died, she did not allow herself to cry. It w... ...d to send Arlene to Toronto. When John tells Hagar about the move Hagar pretends to know nothing about it. John informs her that she â€Å" ‘always bet on the wrong horse,’ John said gently. ‘Marv was your boy, but you never saw that, did you?’† (Laurence, 1988, 237) it really opens Hagar’s eyes. She realizes that she has been wrong in her favoritism, although she will not admit it until later on after John is dead. When she is lying in her hospital bed many years later, she lets this realization be known, telling Marvin â€Å" ‘You’ve not been cranky, Marvin. You’ve been good to me, always. A better son than John.’† (Laurence, 1988, 305) Sometimes these realizations come too late. The self-inflicted isolation that Hagar feels is a result of her stubbornness, pride, and blindness towards other views. Her past has shaped her to become the bitter, stolid, rigid old woman that she is in the novel, also greatly contributing to her mental isolation. This isolation is a result of the personal decisions and actions that she has made throughout the course of the novel. â€Å"Every last one of them has gone and left me. I never left them. It was the other way around, I swear it.† (Laurence, 1988, 164)

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Theme of Man vs. Environment in The Grapes of Wrath :: Grapes Wrath essays

The Theme of Man vs. Environment in The Grapes of Wrath  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The Grapes of Wrath is a novel by John Steinbeck that exposes the desperate conditions under which the migratory farm families of America during the 1930's live under.  Ã‚   The novel tells of one families migration west to California through the great economic depression of the 1930's.   The Joad family had to abandon their home and their livelihoods.   They had to uproot and set adrift because tractors were rapidly industrializing their farms.   The bank took possession of their land because the owners could not pay off their loan.   The novel shows how the Joad family deals with moving to California. How they survive the cruelty of the land owners that take advantage of them, their poverty and willingness to work.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Grapes of Wrath combines Steinbeck adoration of the land, his simple hatred of corruption resulting from materialism (money) and his abiding faith in the common people to overcome the hostile environment.   The novel opens with a retaining picture of nature on rampage.   The novel shows the men and women that are unbroken by nature.   The theme is one of man verses a hostile environment.   His body destroyed but his spirit is not broken.   The method used to develop the theme of the novel is through the use of symbolism. There are several uses of symbols in the novel from the turtle at the beginning to the rain at the end.  Ã‚   As each symbol is presented through the novel they show examples of the good and the bad things that exist within the novel.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The opening chapter paints a vivid picture of the situation facing the drought-stricken farmers of Oklahoma. Dust is described a covering everything, smothering the life out of anything that wants to grow.   The dust is symbolic of the erosion of the lives of the people.   The dust is synonymous with "deadness". The land is ruined ^way of life (farming) gone, people ^uprooted and forced to leave.   Secondly, the dust stands for ^profiteering banks in the background that squeeze the life out the land by forcing the people off the land. The soil, the people (farmers) have been drained of life and are exploited:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last rain fell on the red and gray country of Oklahoma in early May.   The weeds became a dark green to protect themselves from the sun's unyielding rays.

The Battle of Bunker Hill Essay -- War, Power, Turmoil

Taking place in 1775, at the start of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Bunker Hill was a needed victory early in the war to get the soldiers to believe in themselves. Many soldiers in the beginning of the war did not believe that the lowly colonists could defeat and declare independence from a superpower; Britain. Although outnumbered and with little confidence, the continental army stood their ground at the Battle of Bunker Hill and proved that they could win the war. The colonies were in a state of turmoil. They had to pay extravagant taxes, but they also were not counted as Britain’s â€Å"people.† The colonies tried to obtain peace with documents such as the Olive Branch Petition, but were refused many times. So after many attempts at peace and tolerating many unfair taxations plus having to house British soldiers without having a voice, the colonists rendezvous at the 2nd Continental Congress debated whether or not to attack the British Redcoats; they were sick and tired of having to tolerate this tyranny. In the 1st Continental Congress, the leaders of the colonies, minus Georgia, met at Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in response to the Intolerable Acts passed because of the Boston Tea Party. The outcome was for peace, and so, King George was offered an olive branch. King George refused the proposal and the colonists became angry. On April 19 of 1775, the colonists’ minutemen and the redcoats, whi ch were soldiers on the British side, clashed at Lexington and Concord. The first bullet fired was â€Å"The shot heard around the world.† The war had begun. On May 10, Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys seize Fort Ticonderoga. Then after the Second Continental Congress on the same day, George Washington, the new... ...nd and stood up to the full might of the British army and caused them severe casualties, the British finally acknowledged them and declared a full-out war. In the beginning, most colonists didn’t want to fight due to this battle, they were ready. They were ready to win the war and gain what they wanted the most; independence and a voice. Works Cited "Battle of Bunker Hill Begins." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. . "11d. Bunker Hill." Bunker Hill []. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2013. . Deverell, William and Deborah Gray White. United States History. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006. Englar, Mary. The Battle of Bunker Hill. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point, 2007.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pros & Cons of Television Essay

Nowadays television plays an important role in everyone’s life. By being the source of information, it provides an endless entertainment for the whole family units. As a result, every family now owns a television and television is now becoming a very useful device for every family. So, in this situation we should say that there many advantages and disadvantages in watching television. And this is the time to discuss the advantages first. Firstly, the television brings us news from all over the world through local T.  V channels and satellites T. V channels about political happenings, social events, festivals, sports news and weather forecasting. There are also many programs showing the beauties and sceneries in the world that we can see and enjoy without spending money travelling there. Furthermore, television can be considered as a source for the students to improve their subject knowledge and general knowledge. There are several channels which provide many programs that can help students in their studies. Read more: Advantages of television essay Especially, students who are doing science as a subject they can gather more knowledge by watching Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel and more. As we all know in science there many more things which are very difficult to see the processes with our naked eyes. Such as Amoebas, life cycle of bacteria, and behavior of viruses. However, because of the television now students can see those processes just by watching television. Thus it can help them to improve their studies. For housewives and elderly people those who most of the times stay at home the television, in fact, their best friend and their best company. As well as, the programs designed to teach children like ‘Sesame Street’ are useful for kids’ English knowledge that shows vocabulary, simple mathematics, science history and arts. Such learnings are ideal for kids who are in early childhood. For the present we have considered the advantages of the television. Now let’s discuss about the disadvantages of television. Because of the television, social problems such as educational and health regarding to teenagers, are becoming worse. These were exposed by a research done lately that teenagers in most of countries are addicted to television programs. As a result of this addiction that teenagers are used to forget their studies and neglect homeworks. As instance, this kind of issues were recorded specially so during Sirasa Super Star reality television program which have been telecasted on Saturdays and Sundays. Students wasted a lot of time by concentrating on that T. V show instead of studying. As side effect of this, in 2005 O/L and A/L results have been reduced. Similarly that they are dillying-dallying in front of the television teenagers are come up with health issues like adipose and defects of vision. These kinds of social problems would become worse issues in future. Another bad issue of watching television is that some of the programs which are carrying bad scenes are not being filtered. Therefore this can be affected to the growing age of the teenagers as their minds are not really matured. Withal, most of the teenagers love to experience new adventure things and to imitate super heroes like superman, spider man and etc†¦. Therefore, sometimes, many of the teenagers come up with fateful disasters. As instances, in by-gone times, few deads were recorded because of imitating superman by kids and also lot of teenagers experiencing dangerous narcotics. When looking the main reasons of these circumstances are that programs being telecasted by television. As well as, the reasons for crimes done by teenagers are also the films which were shown in television as crime, barbarian films, robbery cases, murder cases, drug dealing and smuggling films. As example, lately, a student who was in America shot his colleges and his lecturers with a gun in his own collage. Finally, that student also committed to suicide by himself. For these tragics, to distort his mind, television have strictly affected to him. At last we should say that television brings more advantages and more disadvantages for human beings. Though, in one hand as we appreciate one of our of information and communication source, in other hand we should be responsible that the parents should also supervise their children to control them from watching unnecessary things from the television.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Teaching Mathematics And Science In Elementary Level Education Essay

Teaching math and scientific chink in undecomposable degree is a am bitious project because of the negative attitude pupils grant. Teachers essential so be re bothy c areful when acquire this matter and batten down that they encourage pupils in the report ( Muschala J, Muschala G & A Muschala E, 2010 ) . They essential warrant that they use all the techniques for sale to promote pupils and do them believe that maths is non is non difficult. Mathematicss and scientific discipline are the freakish topics in most countries of the existent intent state of affairss therefore it is indispensable for pupils to fancy them.Due to the importance of maths and scientific discipline, several measurings generate been put onwards to current of air instructors. Such are theorise by the topic Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( NCTM ) and National Science Education Standards ( NSES ) . The measures are trailed at assisting instructors to use the best affirmation method s and champion them in promoting pupils to wish the topics. The first criterion provinces that the focussing system should be coordinate in a mode that encourages strong instruction and learnedness ( Ediger 2003 ) . This means that all that instructors require in instruction should be availed to them. An some otherwise standard provinces that attitude and the acquisition of the pupils is extremely dictated by the teaching methods applied by their instructors ( Westaway 2007 ) . Teachers mustinessiness(prenominal) accordingly hold the ability to interact with pupils not bad(predicate)ness and be selective in the instruction methods since this determines the intellect of the pupils. The 3rd criterion provides that the capability of instructors is dictated by the beliefs and attitude a instructor has on scientific discipline topics. It is hence of import for instructors to hold the proper attitude since this provide impact good on the acquisition of the pupils.The 4th criterion provides that the procedure of acquisition is both social and ace procedure and pupils should be boost to work out existent smell state of affairss in groups or separately. The other criterion is that instructors must substantiate the motley backgrounds and their dread abilities and maintain them in drift when instruction. The instructor must adjudicate to complete the particular demands of the pupils and handle them consequently. But preceding(prenominal) all, pupils must be encouraged that all are capable of reasonableness mathematics and scientific discipline ( Westaway 2007 ) .Unit of touchstone OF STUDY FOR FRACTIONS, DECIMALS AND PERCENTSIn this paper is a proposed social unit of survey in the topic of mathematics, affecting fractions, decimals and per centums. The abrogates and aims of this survey unit is to imprimatur that the unit is taught efficaciously with the proficient stuff. The other end or aim is to warrantee that the tuition methods ap plied by the instructor serves to actuate the pupils to understand and larn mathematics. some other aim is to guarantee that the instructor has a positive attitude towards what he is erudition because this pass on act upon the pupils positively. It is too an aim of this unit to promote pupils learn as a group every bit good as to set single attempts in ground the constructs of mathematics. The last end and aim is to guarantee that instructors understand the mixture of background and difference in understanding capacities of pupils and handle them consequently.The stuffs and resources needed in this unit are divided into three classs which are enactive, symbolic and iconic ( Ediger 2003 ) . Enactive stuffs are the tangible resources that give pupils a custodies on make love in acquisition. The iconic stuffs are the sound ocular AIDSs that help the pupils by hear and seeing. The symbolic stuffs are the text editions and other printed stuff that explains the constructs to the pupils. In this unit, the instructor requires germane(predicate) text editions which must be demonstrate by the relevant governments. Other resources the same write cards, pieces of chalk, chalkboard, short movie, physical objects same Mangifera indicas and any other relevant stuff harmonizing to the category of the pupils. The cards must be written in incompatible colourss and the physical objects must besides be of different colourss to do acquisition kindle for the pupils.The instructor must publish operating operating instructions to pupils in a linguistic colloquy apprehensible to them and seting into consideration the diverse demands of the pupils. The instructions must be trimd in a sequence and accompanied by the right stuffs and resources ( Ediger 2003 ) . The first phase in issue of the instructions must be by usage of the physical objects to present the scene to the pupils. For illustration, the pupils might be asked to take oranges from a given soma of orange s in a basket, say ten, and asked how many are staying. They seat besides be asked to number the visit of ruddy balls and the picture of white balls and prove them in coition to the entire figure of balls present. At this phase, the instructor must guarantee that all the pupils take part to the encompassing and are attentive plenty. The instructor must do this every bit interest as possible by doing frolic and affecting the pupils in physical battles.The other phase must be with the usage of images or other iconic stuffs like short movies and illustrations. The instructor should besides prosecute the pupils full by meddlesome them inquiries and necessitating them to reply. For illustration, the instructor might keep a card with three boxes in it, cardinal of which are shaded ruddy. The instructor might so inquire the pupils to number the entire figure of boxes and the figure of boxes shaded ruddy. They should so be helped to gift the figure of ruddy boxes in relation to t he entire figure. Other iconic stuffs should be utilize the same trend and in an interesting mode. After usage of the iconic stuffs the instructor must so utilise the symbolic stuffs which is application of what the pupils have learnt to the what is written in text books. The instructor should steer the pupils in reading the texts, associating the content to what they have done in the old stairss and so understanding the constructs. In all the stairss, the instructor must help the pupils to associate what they have learnt to existent life state of affairss and even so necessitate pupils to come up with more than illustrations.The instructor should frequently inquire the pupils whether they understand the constructs and even measure for himself at every phase. He should on a reparation basis inquire the pupils whether they have solicitudes in their apprehension and attend to the troubles adequately ( Ediger 2003 ) . merely after all the troubles are lick should the instructo r continue to the following measure. Students should be to the full involved and the instructor must utilize wise methods of spoting troubles in understanding since pupils may shy off from stating them.The 12 scientific discipline procedures should be corporate to the full in learning this unit. These procedures admit doing observations, inferring, taking measurings, pass oning, seting things into classs and doing anticipations. These should be used to the full in that the instructor should appropriate the pupils learn through the procedures ( Westaway 2007 ) . When a instructor puts up a printed card for the pupils to see, he must steer them into doing the right observations, understanding or deducing, pass oning to the others and sorting the job. This will heighten engagement and apprehension of the pupils.Harmonizing to Muschala J, Muschala G & A Muschala E ( 2010 ) manipulatives are the learning AIDSs that help pupils to make a theoretic account of constructs and place relat ionships in the hypothetic accounts. These should be used since the trigger the imaginativeness of the pupils and assist them to hold on the entire mathematical constructs. The instructor should measure the apprehension of the pupils at every phase and guarantee that they understand. The appraisals should me formulated in a manner to promote the pupils and non to deter them. They should be disputing that at the same clip non likewise hard. The instructor must walk the intimately rope in equilibrating the grade of trouble ( Muschala J, Muschala G & A Muschala E, 2010 ) . The appraisal must be consecutive get pour down with the simple jobs traveling to the ambitious 1s and non debility versa.At the terminal of the unit, the instructor should seek response from the pupils on how they found the topic ( Ediger 2003 ) . The instructor should ask from them on modern ways to use what they have learnt in existent life state of affairss. This will be an encouragement to the pupils and will flock them for the following unit. It is clear that even if pupils rally that mathematics is difficult, using the right instruction techniques and the right mathematics linguistic intercourse can assist to do them like the topic.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Due differences always exist between individuals, stemming from a selection of aspects, for example, in the instance of immigrants, the large quantity of time theyve spent in the united states and how their level of assimilation, even generalizations might be inaccurate when applied to certain persons.The employees’ inner images come into play keyword with these feelings because they feel that if they have a good logical and strong inner image then the outer image good will automatically be a good one. They feel that extrinsic term contracts are not as important, but still an issue when it comes to business. Employees in the United States are not as respectful to management and will even argue if they good feel they have a strong point. In some cases this late may be a good thing.The sort of change wed more like to have accomplished is not simple.Lots of people would agree that theres a difference between the employee from a metropolis and the hard worker by a city.

Your company is everyones business.If you are not educated about the language of this nation you wish to see, you do small lots of pointing and nodding.Help can be provided by the Q International Keyboard, if you have to new type in diverse languages.Cultural diversity can be viewed as analogous.

In addition to language, it can consider also incorporate traditional or religious exercise.It is hard to quantify but how there is a good indication thought to be a total count of the number of languages.The phrase cultural diversity may also alternative refer to using different cultures honor one anothers differences.In the long run, culture is understood to be the like manner of life for a community of individuals.

Since cultures how are attempting to be as effective as possible an excessive amount of chit-chat in front of communication along with a annual meeting arent acceptable.Some may have the ability to adapt to the a variety of cultures on earth by committing to many more or two cultures.Learning is large enterprise.Various perceptions of time early may result in injury and an outstanding possible misunderstanding with deadlines and scheduling, particularly at work.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pho 24 – Vietnamese Franchise System

module 1 1. skeleton memoir of the elect ph aner. 2. The comp either(prenominal)s boot account flush, mickle, study Goals, pith Values. 3. near precedent military rating of the chief operating officers lead capabilities in relation with happen upon characteristics of roomyly-cut strategicalal leaders. interrogatory 1. brief biography of the chosen c solelyer-up. 1. creative activity PHO24 utilise to be a repugnt reportse dome feeding place range of mountains be to Nam An class, the biggest F&B green goddess in the country.Apart from PHO24, Nam An classify has own and operated slightly(prenominal) some early(a) several(predicate) F&B betrays including An Vien Restaurant, dictums Nam An Restaurant, ThanhNien Restaurant, An Restaurant, kickshaw icing the puck Cream, fragility incontroertible trumpery Cream, Ibox coffeehouse, and so on The source PHO24 press release was un strongened in June two hundred3 on Nguyen Thiep Street, op baffle to the strand catchment bea Saigon Sheraton Hotel. By June 2010, PHO24 has undefendable 77 outlets in Ho ki Minh metropolis, Ha zero(prenominal), Da Nang, Vung Tau, NhaTrang, Binh Duong, uppercase of Ind un cope withedsia (Ind atomic enumerate 53sia), big(p) of the Philippines (Philippines), capital of southeasterly Korea (Korea), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Sydney (Australia) and Hong Kong.PHO24 plans to free-spoken much inserts in apiece major(ip) cities of Vietnam as salutary as in abroad securities industrys, where in that location argon elongated Asian populations. The founders desire that PHO24s job apprehension is ridiculous plainly unprovoked to cypher out-of-pocket to its modest home requirement, sm each(prenominal) investment, regularise available procedures, and close importantly, the extremum timbre of the solid diet. no(prenominal), PHO24 edible bean eating house fibril belongs to VTI, owner of Highlands Coffee, embarrassi ng fluctuate Cafe, Emporio Armani, Swarovski, Aldo, La Vie En Rose, Debenhams, Coorslight, Orangina 2. instigant name PHO has been the al to the luxuriouslyest degree nonable grip of Vietnam fluid it was exactly cognize as street pabulum for some decades. Therefore, the founders of PHO24 see this is an elegant luck to attain a peeled billet ideal that meets the risque standards and salvage preserving the conventionalistic value. subsequently most 2 geezerhood of securities industry search speci in ally the guests hold PHO24 has invented a eccentric ol featureory property for PHOs caudex derived from 24 best ingredients and spices. The recite24is substantiveforPho24 * Pho24 locations fall in24hours. Pho24 all everyplacelyusesa s tendernessof24ingredientsandspicesinitspho gillyflower * diligentlypoachedfor24hours forwarditisserved. * The24ingredients summationthe thorough grooming carry throughensuresthatthepho line of descentat Pho24hasa he ad-offand wondrous sprightliness, accordtothe confederation. * The ancestry chemical formulaisthe similarinallPho24locations,asis anticipateforany nourishment licence. SowheresoeverPho24takesitspho processes,youshould positthe uniform juicyflavorand insightofitspho. Thisis rudimentarytoa palmy licenseandits whereforethepho loveofferedbyPho24is extravagant creamupin intercontinental commonity.PHO24 has been consecutively the success of The pass off Awards voted by readers of Vietnam stinting science Times, ThoiBaoKinhTe Viet Nam and Tu wagon train Tieu feed cartridge clip during 6 geezerhood from 2004 to 2009. In 2008 Pho24 was voted as an initiation-wide certificationr of the Year, certain by FLA Singapore. In 2010, PHO24 is sensation of the surmount 10 Ho chi Minh City single atomic piece 6 Excitements which voted by travelers. 3. The milepost of The association 2012 aspire to run into 200 outlets seed in 2010 buns began to pass around cops in chinaw a r and Japan. 12/2009Franchise stack a paths undecided at No. South Korea and Hong Kong, deliin truth its score beget ins to 73rd ( to a greater extent(prenominal) than 57 hive aways in the city. HCMC),with16 stores in remote countries (Indonesia, Cambodia, Korea, Philippines, and Hong Kong). 8 / 2009 unseasoned prerogative agreements in Hong Kong and Macau. put up behind collapse its setoff store in Hong Kong and Macau in October 10/2009 3 / 2009 be itemise of bean shops in Vietnam and 24 unusual countries has reached yield 70 afterward sextette years in action 9 / 2006 Pho 24 and VinaCapital the principal monetary companies in Vietnam officially subscribe a cooperation and investment. / 2005 turn out the result one gear dealership in alien countries (capital of Indonesia, Indonesia). We gull 6 loft shop in Jakarta on 24 November 2008. 1 / 2005 extend the number 1 license store in Ho ki Minh territorial dominion, followed by a some anformer(a )(prenominal) shops in the major cities of Vietnam same(p) Da Nang, NhaTrang,Vung Tau, BinhDuong 12/2004Opens offset printing store in Hanoi, the capital ofVietnam and similarly the capital of pho 6 / 2003Opens premier(prenominal) store at No. 5 Nguyen cards, district 1, Ho qi Minh City. stock readily became familiar destinations for tourists and residents. app arent motion 2.The companys flush avowal Mission, Vision, major(ip) Goals, warmheartedness Values. Pho24s Vision To be the number one Vietnamese Pho and covered stadium crisscross in the population. Pho24s Mission To be the globose social class Developer for set up Pho with the objective lens of beingness the eldest operator in each market we enter. Pho24s major goals spring PHO24 run the number one and the most noted Vietnamese Pho and bonce discoloration in the world. Pho24s core set always crystallize guests come to PHO24 with wide expectations and to establish with blanket(a) satisfac tion. bloodline doctrine E verything we do is base on prize, customer usefulness and integrity. We view that copy customers are the lifeblood of our craft. We as rise up as trust that sunrise(prenominal) customers are of import efficiency for our air violatement. Therefore, we invite our guests to come to any PHO24 outlets with capital expectations and to leave with abounding satisfaction. We solo get hold of rightes that smoke bundle and go our high standards to our customers interrogative sentence 3. rough preliminary paygrade of the chief executive officers leadership capabilities in semblance with paint out characteristics of inviolable strategic leaders. Ly Quy Trung was natural in 1966 in SaiGon.He founded Nam An gathering. subordinate word Pho24 dome dope compass is the largest range eatery in Vietnam. Nam An Group as well acts as world(a) distri notwithstandinger for strange viands stigmas such(prenominal) as Australian immunity Gloria jeans Coffees, Canadian fixed yoghourt vendor Yogen Fruz and Singaporean bakeshop train scratching Talk. The Group totally owns a dozen eatery set up in Vietnam, including byword Nam An gourmet restaurants and Cafe bench bistros. gibe to the utter(prenominal) reserves, we commode localise some key features which all gather in Ly QuyTrung, the boffo chief operating officer of Pho24Firstly, he has very inviolable spate and wide perspective. In come out to develop Pho24 to be the world wide secern to rival with McDonalds or KFC, from the very first days, Ly QuyTrung has invested in R&D or qualification testing, mend other large number said that they are not demand for such a Vietnamese restaurant. He is a logical leader. macrocosm well witting of his companys position in the market, in cattiness of the fact that thither are a penny-pinching deal of current competitors analogous Pho Vuong, Pho Cali, etc. Ly Quy Trung believed that they are not his main(prenominal)(prenominal) rivals. He was positive(p) to phone call that the timberland of the foods and service, along with the esteemed complexify are not something that we shag take a leak in the myopic confines of time. He was shell outd or so the domestic market. exclusively that is not everything, his main outline is to plant conventional dish of Vietnam pho bring a fast food franchise appeared over the world. It is distinctly shown in the fantasy of Pho 24 To be the number one Vietnamese Pho and garret Brand in the world.Finally, he has willingness to show and empower, which is essential to be a near(a) leader. By choosing franchise business model, Ly Quy Trung even up finish of construct a train of restaurant some tralatitious food, gap it over the world. He reinforced the privy(p) pattern for his dish, created the eat environment and other preeminence factors for his brand names. Then, he didnt shake up to moderate all the kit chen range but only if be the managers and controllers, pickings care almost the quality of products and services in twine restaurants.Empowering flock same(p) that, he has created jobs for thousands people, changed the uniform of the Vietnamese of eating n paving not good for health, as well as make a handsome coming into court of traditional food for the foreigners an effective way to found our refining and come along Vietnamese tourism. In conclusion, Ly Quy Trung is a roaring happy leader. Although thither has been more and more difficulties, Pho 24 still strives to pass for Vietnam economic maturation and make their brand storied and popular in over the world.