Sunday, January 12, 2020
Assess the Corporate Social Responsibility of Telecommunication Industries
Mobile telecommunication industries in this country with time have increasingly played major roles in not only the lives of the people within the community in which they are situated but also in the total economic well being of the country as a whole through their social responsibility activities.The Mobile telecommunication industry in this country has increased tremendously within the past couple of years, and have increasingly played major roles in not only the lives of the people within the community in which they are situated but also in the total economic well being of the country as a whole through their social responsibility activities. The idea of Social Responsibility has developed differently around the world because of different histories, culture and institution. Steiner George 2000) In the past years, the multi-faceted problems made it almost impossible for indigenous industries to undertake social activities in developing countries. However, corporate social responsibi lity (CSR) research has blossomed in this new millennium. This is due to the increasing concern expressed by policy makers and individual bodies about corporate social responsibility and the pressure exerted on organizations to demonstrate high ethical standards.This project is very important because Ghana may need a new code of conduct, laws and regulations and multi-stakeholder agreements and private voluntary initiatives as new businesses are beginning to emerge into our system. Telecommunication industry is a typical example of a fast growing industry within our system. It is therefore imperative that we acknowledge the significance of their corporate contribution to the societies and the nation, for this foresight to be smart and articulate. 1. 2 BACKGROUND STUDYThe precise concept of CSR is understood in different ways, having different representations of the concept relatable to different paradigms and concerns. Aside all the differences pertaining to the nature and content o f CSR, a number of the concepts includes human rights, environmental responsibility, diversity management, sustainability, and philanthropy, meaning that it is a complex area with an interdisciplinary focus. It is generally agreed that CSR involves corporations voluntarily exceeding their legal duties to take account of social, economic and environmental impacts of their operations.For example, the European Commission defines CSR as: â€Å"A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis†(European Multistakeholder Forum on CSR, 2004: 3) Corporate Social Responsibility also relates to those management philosophies, policies, procedure and act that have advancement of social welfare as one of their primary objectives (By Boone and Kurtz 1987) CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.Its conce rn is related to certain aspects of the company’s operations such as the quality of their management – both in terms of people and processes, and the nature of, and quantity of their impact on society in the various areas. The term â€Å"CSR†came in to common use in the early 1970s, after many multinational corporations were formed. The term stakeholder, meaning those on whom an organization's activities have an impact, was used to describe corporate owners beyond shareholders as a result of an influential book by R Freeman in 1984. 2] ISO 26000 is the recognized international standard for CSR Public sector organizations. It is widely accepted that CSR adheres to similar principles but with no formal act of legislation. The UN has developed the Principles for Responsible Investment as guidelines for investing entities. Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate responsibility, corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, responsible business , sustainable responsible business (SRB), or corporate social performance,[1] is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model.Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure its support to law, ethical standards, and international norms. Consequently, business would embrace responsibility for the impact of its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere. Furthermore, CSR-focused businesses would proactively promote the public interest by encouraging community growth and development, and voluntarily eliminating practices that harm the public sphere, regardless of legality.Essentially, CSR is the deliberate inclusion of public interest into corporate decision-making, and the honoring of a triple bottom line: people, planet, profit. Stakeholders are taking an increasing interest in the activity of the company. Most l ook to the outer circle, that is, what the company has actually done, good or bad, in terms of its products and services, in terms of its impact on the environment and on local communities, or in how it treats and develops its workforce.Out of the various stakeholders, it is financial analysts who are predominantly focused – as well as past financial performance – on quality of management as an indicator of likely future performance. Developed countries have worked out a way around ensuring that local and international businesses or companies make contributions towards community development. Sainsbury’s and Tesco for instance are typical examples of companies that have contributed towards every community they operate.The contrast however in Africa is that the key people within the community are just contented to accept a bottle of Scottish Whiskey or Schnapps or local spirit over a businessdeal. Ghana needs to get a grip of how best our laws would work for us if we involve businesses co-operation into helping with our community developments. Understanding how international law works and how it can be used to further both national and international CSR objectives. 1. 3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The mobile telecommunication industry in this country has increased tremendously and continuously growing at a very high speed over the past ten years.The researcher’s aim is to throw more light on the real impact of this industry on the economy through their social activities. The research also works towards assessing whether or not the individual activities are achieving their desired impact on society. The view of the public is also a major concern to the researcher. This research is to find out the level of recognition the mobile telecommunication industries receive for their social activities and also to identify the level of benefits they receive in terms of increasing customer base and overall image of the industry upon undertaking such corporate social responsibility.1. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The significance and contribution of the mobile telecommunication industry in this country cannot be over emphasized. The main aim of this study was to assess the level of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices by the Mobile Telecommunication Industry in the country. * This study sought to ascertain and document the extent of recognition and appreciation, nature and content of socially responsible actions by mobile telecommunication firms located in Ghana. * Based on this study the researcher anticipates that the information they have provided will be beneficial to the government and policy makers. Another motive for this research is to helping the industry be more aware of their CSR and acknowledge its importance to not only their image and customer base, but also as a major contributing factor towards economic development.* This study will interest students, academics and practitioners who might be undertaking furthe r research on issues relating to the topic. | 1. 5 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY * To outline the social, economic and political factors driving the development and implementation of CSR of the mobile telecommunication industry Ghana. The study is to identify the contributions of mobile telecommunication network towards social and economic development with specific reference to MTN. * To assess the challenges they go through in complying with the expectation of the society * To address the contested nature of CSR, in particular in terms of its instrumental or normative value. * To assess individuals notions of the role and nature of corporations with respect to corporate social responsibility. 1. 6 RESEARCH QUESTINE * What are the corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by mobile telecommunication agencies? To what extent, and in what way can or should mobile corporations be held morally responsible?* Is there a significant contribution of CSR towards economic development? * Are their CSR activities a strategy for distinguishing and protecting their image and creating trust, and to attract and retain both potential employees and consumers? * Are the benefits of their contributions worth the harm they may be causing to the societies? * Are they giving back enough to the society relative to what they are receiving? * Are the people satisfied with their services and contributions? . 7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Primary and secondary data was used as a source of information. The researchers also had to design proposed questionnaires to access information from the users of the mobile industry concerning their opinions, this was however done randomly.The research is aimed at assessing the nature and content of the corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by the various organizations within the telecommunication industry and its contribution to the society and in turn the economy of the nation. . 8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Some of the limitations of this study included; * Lack of sufficient information; This was as a result of the reluctance of officers within the industry to give out all the information required for the research. * Time factor; The combination of academic demands i. e. Lectures and exams with the working on this project made the period of submission quiet short for undertaking all the requirements for assessing information for the study. 1. 9 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDYThis research is presented in 5 chapters with subdivisions. * Chapter 1 begins with an introduction to the topic stating its relevance, the background study, statement of the problem, research question, and objective of the study, significance of the study and scope and limitation. * Chapter 2 outlines the literature review :definition and explanation of terms, nature of Social responsibility, levels and dimensions of social responsibility, problems associated with social responsibilities, Chapter 3 tackle the Theoretical Review of the research, which comprises of the population, sample and sampling procedures,Research instrument , Administration of instrument and method of data Analysis. * Chapter 4 relates to the Empirical Review, which contains a brief historical background of the individual mobile telecommunication industries in Ghana, types of social responsibility activities in which they engage themselves into, effects of such activities on their customer base and profitability, problems encountered while undertaking/for filing their social responsibility Chapter 5 deals with presentation of findings, this consists of findings and summary, and conclusion of findings and recommendations. 1. 10 DEFINITION OF TERMS Ten CSR Themes Social Responsibility Agreements, Ghana Drivers of and Constraints to PRIVATE Sector Engagement
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